Deafness Advocacy

Greater Mental Health’s Deafness Advocacy services include case management for adults who are Deaf, education and advocacy services, as well as a social club for people who are Deaf. Our Deafness Advocacy program also hosts the Rockland County Deafness Task Force, a grassroots group of community members and providers who come together to advocate for access and support for Deaf individuals and their families.
Our advocacy services can be tailored to support your needs, whether that be individual advocacy or systems advocacy, or a combination of both. Through individual advocacy, we assist people in protecting and promoting their rights, resolving complaints and grievances, and accessing services and supports of their choice. On the other hand, our systems advocacy services work to represent the concerns of a class of customers by identifying patterns of problems and complaints and working with program or system administrators to resolve or eliminate these problems on a systemic, rather than individual basis.
To learn more about our Deafness Advocacy services, please contact us today.
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