Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS)


Our Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) combine aspects of treatment, rehabilitation, and support services for individuals with mental health challenges. The program combines a blend of individual and group counseling customized to each member’s needs and recovery goals.

In PROS, group counseling sessions are called classes, as we feel each class and experience is meant to be a learning opportunity. Examples of class offerings include: Creating Healthy Relationships, Living with Life’s Losses, Parenting Today, Self-Expression through Art, Managing Emotions with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Working through Anger.

PROS Services

Services under PROS include:

  • Community Rehabilitation and Support (CRS):  This service helps individuals better manage their lives and regain vital skills and support for success in the community. Services include financial management and wellness self-management.  
  • Intensive Rehabilitation (IR): This service aims to assist individuals in specific life roles and enhance symptom management. Our goal is to help you reduce hospitalization, relapse, loss of housing, and/or involvement with the criminal justice system. 
  • Ongoing Rehabilitation Support (ORS):  This service provides off-site support for obtaining competitive employment and helps participants manage symptoms they may be experiencing in a competitive workplace.
  • Clinic Treatment: This optional service offers psychiatric and health assessments, medication management, symptom monitoring, and clinical counseling. In some cases, members may choose to maintain community clinical providers while accessing other PROS services.
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Get in touch

If you or someone you know are interested in PROS services, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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