Employment Services


At Greater Mental Health of New York, we believe that you don’t get better in order to work; you work in order to get better. We offer a variety of employment services to help individuals with behavioral health conditions gain independence through work, helping you to prepare and develop skills for, choose, and maintain meaningful employment.   

Our Services

Employment Services

Our team Employment Specialists are here to support your journey towards work success. Our focus is on helping you find the right path to employment while providing the support you need along the way, offering help in finding you direct placements, developing job skills, and helping you stay in a job once you’ve got it. Some of the additional programs we offer include:

  • Jobs Plus: Based on the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model for delivering employment services, Jobs Plus focuses on rapid job search, competitive employment, participant job preferences, benefits counseling, and coordination between employment services staff members and behavioral health treatment providers.
  • Ongoing Integrated Supported Employment (OISE): Our OISE services are provided after an individual has achieve job retention. These services assist the individual to maintain, or in some cases, regain employment.
  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation: This is an assessment to see if you’re ready for vocational rehabilitation, which may result in a referral for educational or employment services.  
  • Work Readiness Program: In this program, we’ll help you prepare for interviews, look and apply for jobs, and work on important skills for your success in the workplace.
  • Supported Employment: This service is personalized for those who haven’t worked much before. We’ll create a plan together and support you in finding a job that suits you while keeping your wellness in mind.

Employment services just worked in a way that no one else had to take my recovery to the next level.

I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you. You are a true blessing.

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For more information and to access our Employment Services, please contact us.

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On Self-Stigma and Employment

On Self-Stigma and Employment

Greater Mental Health of New York's Director of Employment Services shares her insights on seeking employment as an individual who experiences behavioral health challenges, and how the barriers to employment often include stigma towards oneself and one's capabilities. Read more in this issue of Behavioral Health News at the link.