Fanmi & Zanmi

Nan Greater Mental Health of New York, nou rekonèt enpak sante mantal ak pwoblèm itilizasyon sibstans ka genyen sou manm fanmi yo ak moun yo renmen yo. Nou ofri yon seri sèvis sipò pou moun ki afekte nan kondisyon sante konpòtmantal yon manm fanmi oswa yon zanmi, tankou gwoup sipò, relèv, sipò kanmarad, ak resous edikatif ak opòtinite.

Nou la pou ou

Reach out to us to better understand our menu of services and determine the best fit for you and your family. Connect with a team member in Westchester by calling 914-345-0700, ext. 7303. Connect with a team member in Rockland by calling 845-267-2172, ext. 296.

Suicide Postvention ak sipò

Pèdi yon moun nan swisid pa tankou nenpòt lòt pèt, e pou anpil moun k ap chèche sipò nan gwoup, yon pwogram devwe pi alèz pase sèvis deyaj jeneral. Tou de gwoup sipò Sivivan Swisid (SOS) nou yo ak Sèvis Sipò Postvansyon yo bati nan lide sa a epi yo espesyalman vle di pou moun ki gen lapenn pou pèt yon moun ou renmen akòz swisid.

Peer and Family Advisory Council

Your voice matters and we’re here to listen. Greater Mental Health of New York's Peer and Family Advisory Council was created to ensure that the voices of all participants of our services are heard in all areas of their treatment and recovery.

Peer and Family Advisory Council

Defans soud

Sèvis defans Greater Mental Health yo genyen ladan yo jesyon ka pou granmoun ki soud, sèvis edikasyon ak defans, ansanm ak yon klib sosyal pou moun ki soud. Pwogram Defans Defans soud nou an gen ladan tou Rockland County Deafness Task Force, yon gwoup manm kominote ak founisè ki reyini ansanm pou defann aksè ak sipò pou moun ki soud yo ak fanmi yo.

Defans soud
Gwoup Sipò pou Paran nou yo, ki fèt espesyalman pou paran timoun ki gen pwoblèm emosyonèl, ofri konpreyansyon, asistans, ak otonòm pou navige sistèm yo ak devlope plan sipò ki baze sou fòs ak moun ki enplike nan lavi pitit ou a.