Sèvis oryante pou rekiperasyon pèsonalize (PROS)

The Program for Self Discovery is a Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) program located at Greater Mental Health’s Valley Cottage location and licensed by the NYS Office of Mental Health. The PROS Program for Self Discovery offers hope and recovery to people ages 18 and older who are seeking support with their mental health. PROS members work in partnership with our team to learn and establish the necessary skills and supports for accomplishing their individualized recovery goals.
The PROS Program for Self Discovery combines a blend of individual and group counseling customized to meet each member’s needs and recovery goals. Nan PROS, sesyon konsèy gwoup yo rele klas, paske nou santi chak klas ak eksperyans se yon opòtinite aprantisaj. Egzanp ofrann klas yo enkli: Kreye relasyon ki an sante, viv ak pèt lavi a, paran jodi a, ekspresyon pwòp tèt ou atravè atizay, jere emosyon ak terapi konpòtman dyalektik (DBT), epi Travay atravè kòlè.
Sèvis anba PROS yo enkli:
Our PROS Program for Self Discovery team includes:
The Empower Program, a part of our Program for Self Discovery (PROS), offers hope and recovery to individuals ages 18-26. This young adult program is designed to offer a supportive group environment where you can connect with peers, receive personalized resources and guidance, and express yourself authentically on your path to wellness.
Si oumenm oswa yon moun ou konnen enterese nan sèvis PROS, tanpri pa ezite kontakte nou.
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