Eksplore lòt evènman nan Greater Mental Health of New York
Vizite paj evènman nou an pou jwenn plis enfòmasyon sou evènman ak fòmasyon k ap vini yo nan kominote w la.
Join nou pou Pale fò!, dernye pati nan seri edikatif gratis nou an sou sante mantal: Konvèsasyon Kominotè. Ki te fèt nan Finkelstein Memorial Library on November 18th, evènman panèl enspire sa a prezante:
📣Stories of hope and resilience from panelists
📣Community-based mental health resources
📣Evidence-based information about the importance of community connections
Prezante panelist yo:
Rachel Carr-Repetti, YPA-P, NYCPS, a Greater Mental Health Youth Peer Specialist
Omar Pecou, LPN, a Greater Mental Health Medical Liaison
Jessica Kane, a Greater Mental Health Survivors of Suicide (SOS) Group Member
Panel nou an pral modere pa Jeanette Fairhurst epi Sean Mayer, two of Greater Mental Health’s Board Members and outspoken mental health advocates whose personal journeys with mental health following loss of a loved one to suicide drive their commitment to fighting stigma and building needed community supports.
Senior Director of Training, Advocacy, and Community Engagement
914-619-0184 | GensB@greatermentalhealth.org
Vizite paj evènman nou an pou jwenn plis enfòmasyon sou evènman ak fòmasyon k ap vini yo nan kominote w la.