Our family support services offer one-on-one care, advocacy, respite, and education for families who have a child who has been diagnosed with a behavioral health condition or behavioral challenge.
At Greater Mental Health of New York, we recognize the impact mental health and substance use challenges can have on family members and loved ones. We offer a range of support services for those affected by a family member or friend’s behavioral health conditions, including support groups, respite, peer support, and educational resources and opportunities.
Reach out to us to better understand our menu of services and determine the best fit for you and your family. Connect with a team member in Westchester by calling 914-345-0700, ext. 7303. Connect with a team member in Rockland by calling 845-267-2172, ext. 296.
Our family support services offer one-on-one care, advocacy, respite, and education for families who have a child who has been diagnosed with a behavioral health condition or behavioral challenge.
Losing someone to suicide is unlike any other loss, and for many people seeking group support, a dedicated program is more comfortable than general bereavement services. Both our Survivors of Suicide (SOS) support group and Postvention Support Services build off of this idea and are specifically meant for individuals who are experiencing grief over the loss of a loved one due to suicide.
Our respite services provide relief for family members, significant others, and legal guardians relief from their care responsibilities.
Your voice matters and we’re here to listen. Greater Mental Health of New York's Peer and Family Advisory Council was created to ensure that the voices of all participants of our services are heard in all areas of their treatment and recovery.
Greater Mental Health’s Deafness Advocacy services include case management for adults who are Deaf, education and advocacy services, as well as a social club for people who are Deaf. Our Deafness Advocacy program also hosts the Rockland County Deafness Task Force, a grassroots group of community members and providers who come together to advocate for access and support for Deaf individuals and their families.