Explore otros eventos en Greater Mental Health of New York
Visite nuestra página de eventos para obtener más información sobre nuestros próximos eventos y capacitaciones dentro de su comunidad.
Started withdrawing from family and friends?
Recently had thoughts that seem strange to you or others?
Become fearful or suspicious of others?
Begun hearing or seeing things that others don’t?
This community forum, hosted by mental and behavioral health professionals from Greater Mental Health of New York, Westchester Jewish Community Services, and the Westchester Department of Community Mental Health, will guide you in navigating the support systems available to you and your child. To register, click here.
To learn more about OnTrackNY, please visit ontrackny.org.
Senior Director of Training, Advocacy, and Community Engagement
914-619-0184 | GensB@greatermentalhealth.org
Visite nuestra página de eventos para obtener más información sobre nuestros próximos eventos y capacitaciones dentro de su comunidad.